En Español
Dear Parents,
In order for students to continue their dual language literacy studies, students who completed 5th grade at Gabriela Mistral Elementary will have the opportunity to take a Spanish History/Social Studies course at Graham Middle School next year. This course is an extension of the foundation laid at Gabriela Mistral Elementary, and is a response to the valuable feedback received from many of you. MVWSD recognizes the importance of maintaining and advancing bilingual skills. We are committed to supporting our students' journey in their Spanish fluency and their work toward the Seal of Biliteracy in high school.
The Spanish History/Social Studies course is a core academic class offered only at Graham Middle School that follows the grade level standards for Social Studies. For enrolled students, this class takes the place of the required social studies class taught in English. The class will be taught entirely in Spanish and will use the district-adopted TCI History Alive! Curriculum. This class is intended for students who want to continue their Spanish language development in a core content area.
To sign up:
Please refer to your email for more information on how to select this academic course.
1. Families follow the open enrollment process currently to enroll their child for the 2025-26 school year (January 21 - February 7)
2. Mistral 5th grade parents and eligible families from Graham will receive letters with details on process and timeline (Early March)
3. In early March, an Intent Survey will be sent to families. Families designate whether the are enrolling their child in the Spanish History/Social Studies class
4. When elective window opens, families sign up for electives for the the 2025-26 school year
For more information
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions below.
If you have further questions, please contact:
* Contact Director of Student Services, Swati Dagar; or
* Pedro Serrano (650-526-3570)- supports all 7th graders and incoming 6th graders last name begins with A-K
* Dena Vang (650-526-3570)- supports all 8th graders and incoming 6th graders whose last name begins with L-Z
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will the Spanish History/Social Studies course be available for 6th, 7th and 8th graders?
Will all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders be in the same class?
No, students will be in their grade level classes.
Will Spanish History/Social Studies course count as one of my child’s electives?
No, this is core content area class and does not impact your child’s electives
If I opt in for the Spanish History Social Studies course, can my child still take the Spanish language elective?
What Spanish History/Social Studies course will be available to my child in 7th and 8th grade?
Our intent is that students continue with the Spanish History/Social Studies pathway through their middle school years
Will transportation be provided if my child transfers for the purpose of taking this class?
Unfortunately, no transportation can be provided for this purpose.
Why is it only at Graham?
This course can currently only be offered at Graham Middle School because of the number of students who qualify for this class at that school, in addition to the staffing and teacher credentialing requirements for teaching History/Social Science content in Spanish.
Is this Spanish History/Social Studies class designed for one year only or will it continue through the years?
The intent is that this Spanish History/Social Studies class will continue through the years, but is subject to teacher availability since it requires a specialized Spanish language credential. MVWSD is committed to maintaining staffing in this class.
Is there a minimum number of students needed to make the class a go?
We anticipate that we will have enough students for the Spanish History/Social Studies class next year.