
Participating in your child's education is important and fulfilling. On a personal level, the most critical way you can participate is by showing interest in what your child is learning on a daily basis. Ask "What did you learn today?" instead "How was school today?" and you'll be pleasantly surprised where the conversation takes you.

On a school community level, parent participation is key for enabling quality programs and events for students and families such as Project Cornerstone, Afterschool Enrichment, and field trips. At Mistral, "Every Family Helps" in a way that fits their schedule and availability. 

Volunteer Guidelines

All volunteers are expected to abide by the following:

  • Provide evidence of a negative TB test within the previous three years.
  • Maintain confidentiality of all students and staff.
  • Dress appropriately for the activity.
  • Obey all emergency procedures.
  • Never be alone with a student in an isolated area.
  • Honor the teacher's and students' time and keep your commitments. Contact the teacher or the school office as soon as possible if you will be late or absent.
  • Sign in at the school office, wear a volunteer sticker, and log the volunteer hours.

Copy Room Guidelines

We welcome volunteers in the copy room. There are just a few basic rules:

  • No preschool children are allowed in the copy room. There are hot laminating machines, paper cutters, electric pencil sharpeners and other machines that could harm a young child or be damaged inadvertently.
  • Before school, during recess and lunch breaks, and immediately after school times are reserved for teachers. The copy room is available for parent volunteers at all other times.
  • Leave the room tidy.
  • If a machine jams or breaks, tell an office staff member right away
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